+250 788 678 182
KG 11 st 65 Kigali, Gasabo, Kimironko

Masaka, Affordable Houses for Rent


Masaka, Affordable Houses fo Rent

Located in Masaka near to the Chinese Hospital and not far from Kabuga market.
The 6 units are in a safe gated community sharing a car parking space. However, each unit has a separate small gate and compound, with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms… and staff quarters.
The rent is 200,000 Rwf per month.

For more information about the property,
Please contact us on the following address:
Kigali, Kimironko
Cell: +250788678182
E-mail: kazirealestate1@gmail.com
Web: https://kazirealestate.rw/

  • ID: 12674
  • Published: May 22, 2023
  • Last Update: October 27, 2023
  • Views: 937